Taking on Trauma — Suzume no Tojimari
9/11 fucked up a lot of people for good. And for my generation, the tragedy hit at a very impressionable time–essentially setting a dark tone for the rest of our lives going forward. For those of a certain generation in Japan, I imagine the Great East Japan Earthquake of...
Pandemic Anime: Revisiting Old Favorites in Quarantine, Part III — AHHHHHH
This is Part III of a series of posts looking back at the 2000s-era anime I watched during quarantine in the early days of the COVID 19 pandemic. Earlier parts can be read here. Years into this stupid pandemic, there are times when I just want to scream at the...
Pandemic Anime: Revisiting Old Favorites in Quarantine, Part II — Things Aren’t Okay
This is Part II of a series of posts looking back at the 2000s-era anime I watched during quarantine in the early days of the pandemic. Part I can be read here. As the pandemic wore on, it became increasingly clear that the situation was not going to clear...