Stay Cool, Man: Green Jacket Lupin
In the brave year of 2012, the Lupin III franchise has become a well oiled machine, pushing out entertaining, but usually formulaic, TV specials each year. But way back in 1971, the Lupin franchise was just cutting its teeth on anime. After that great pilot film in 1969, Lupin...
The Lupin III Pilot Film: A Lupin That Never Was
When I was back in America a couple of months ago, I decided to order the DVD boxset of the first Lupin III TV series, because hey, that’s something I’ve wanted forever. I finished watching it a few weeks ago, and I’ll try to get a review up before...
The Woman Named Fujiko Mine or: How I Learned to Start Worrying Whenever Okada Mari’s Name is on Anything
This post has spoilers for Lupin III: The Woman Named Fujiko Mine I last left Lupin III: Mine Fujiko to iu Onna right at its half-way mark the last time I wrote about it. At that point I was beginning to get good vibes from the show, as it...