Lupin III’s Mysterious Background Muisic
You may hear people say that the music in Lupin III is smooth enough that even the ears of music people will perk up. And yes, the music that appears on those Lupin III soundtracks is quite good. Those soundtracks are gigantic lies. Just recently I was powering through...
Omokage Lucky Hole@LIQUIDROOM 9/17/2011
Saturday, September 17th: After an exciting dash through Tokyo’s rough and tumble “Electric Town” with Shingo of the Heisei Democracy, I found myself in a section of Tokyo completely unknown to me: Ebisu. I had partaken of the neighborhood’s eponymous beer in the past, and was aware that Misato...
Capsule’s World of Fantasy: Not Exactly a Killer Wave
Rewind a bit back to March: Capsule was gearing up to release their new record–the boldly titled KILLER WAVE–but given the events of March 11th, the duo couldn’t exactly put out a disc with a title like that. As such, KILLER WAVE was changed to WORLD OF FANTASY, and...