With All That Said, I’ll Probably Watch it Again on Blu-Ray: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
Over the past few years I’ve become a rather big fan of director Shinbou Akiyuki and studio SHAFT. However, my relationship with these two has naturally had some rough patches, especially when it comes to the Shinbou side of the equation: Between keeping up with his current collaborations with...
Being Dragged Along: The Characters in Madoka Magica
In lieu of finishing part 2 of my “SHAFT’s Edge” post (which I’ll get around to) I will instead quickly comment on something more recent: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. I don’t read a ton of anime blogs, but between the ones I do read, twitter buzz, and Pixiv fanart,...
Dispatches From Winter 2011: PART 1 (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)
In the grand tradition of judging things by their covers, Analog Housou is proud to present PART 1 of our winter 2011 first impressions. This post would have covered more shows, but I ended up writing 1000 words on Madoka, and I doubt I’d be able to beat that...