Category: Anime

Dispatches From Winter 2011: PART 2 (Gosick and Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?)

Ahoy-hoy, kids. Seiya here with a few early (some might say premature) impressions for the Winter 2011 season. But first, a number of disclaimers. Before even getting started, I can tell you with some certainty that no matter how amazed I may be by the first episode of a...

Dispatches From Winter 2011: PART 1 (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)

In the grand tradition of judging things by their covers, Analog Housou is proud to present PART 1 of our winter 2011 first impressions. This post would have covered more shows, but I ended up writing 1000 words on Madoka, and I doubt I’d be able to beat that...