Ten Years In Tokyo
January 2023 marked the ten-year anniversary of my move to Tokyo. And before you stop me–if you’re feeling déjà vu, it’s likely because in 2021 I posted about hitting my tenth year of living in Japan. Yes, during my first year and change in this country, I did not...
Confessions of a Junior High School English Teacher Part I: Fearsome Job Hunt
In the summer of 2010 I was an anxious college grad, and like most anxious college grads, the reason for my anxiety lied in my uncertain future. I knew I wanted to live in Japan, but my JET application was already met with nary a phone call, and all...
JPN Rush: Ningen Kankei
One can waste their life away in shady anime shops and cheap fast-food joints all they want, but what makes a country is its people, and you’re missing out if you’re not talking to them. I should know, as that was the story of life when I was here...